Tuition & Fees

A registration fee of 30$ is due annually at the time of registration. (Only $20 for each additional child registered in the same family.)

Tuition is due on the 1st of each month with a $10 late fee applied for payments made after the 5th. Tuition is discounted after 2+ classes and total number of classes per family are calculated. Parents will create a portal at the time of registration and will be able to make payments, view statements, update student information and view studio announcements. Parents are REQUIRED to set up Auto - Pay in the parent portal to avoid late fees. Set it and forget it…Wahoo! Tuition is calculated on a yearly schedule, rather than how many classes are in a particular month, therefore we do not prorate tuition month to month (with the exception of August). Tuition is non-refundable.

The one-time recital fee per class is due at the time of your first full tuition payment (September for most people). This fee is applied to costumes, accessories, artistic and creative content, performance venues, music rights and licensing, liability insurance, filming, digital downloads, staffing, and much more. This fee covers both the Fall “Show of Gratitude” and the Spring Showcase or Production, however it does not include tickets to the Spring Showcase or Production. These tickets may be purchased in the Spring and will be $8 each (plus fees). For students changing classes during the year or if a replacement costume is needed there will be a $50 “extra costume” fee. Recital preparations (including purchasing of costumes) begin early in the Fall, therefore this fee is non-refundable.

Cancelation - Once students have registered they are considered enrolled through May, however, if a student wishes to stop taking classes before the Spring Recital, you can cancel anytime. A $20 cancellation fee per class will be applied. Any tuition paid is non-refundable. We appreciate a two week notice.

It is important to us to keep our class sizes low, so we can keep the quality of instruction for each student high. If a class is full, please add your student to the waitlist. Most classes do have some turnover (1-2 students/ year), so there is a chance of getting in from the waitlist. However, we have found that most students who have been on the waitlists for an extended period of time, have already found another class or activity that they are happy with. For this reason, after the Fall Show of Gratitude, the waitlists will be cleared. Please reach out around this time if you have continued interest in a class or re-add your student to the waitlist.


Trial Classes

We offer a one-time trial class for $10. First, you must contact us and request permission. Upon approval, you’ll be required to create a Parent Portal account and pay the fee through Dance Studio Pro (DSP). This must be completed before attending the class. The link to DSP is at the top of this webpage under our logo.

Class Expectations

Please have your child arrive a couple minutes before class starts and go directly to the lobby. This is where they will put their bags, coats and shoes in a cubby and get their dance shoes on. Students are to wait in the lobby and their teacher will come get them and lead them into the dance room. It is important that your child is on time so that they do not miss a proper warm up which prevents injury. Please have your child use the restroom BEFORE arriving to class.

Please be on time to pick up your child. Arriving ten or more minutes late once will result in a warning the first time and a $10 fee anytime after.

Students are expected to respect classroom rules including wearing correct class attire, listening/following directions and not disrupting the learning expereince for others.

Regular attendance is very important as we work to prepare for recitals. Multiple absences through the year or absences in the weeks leading up to a recital could result in not being able to participate in the shows.


We want Illume Dance Company to be a family friendly studio so parents are welcome to stay and observe class any time through the viewing windows in our lobby.  As mothers ourselves, we know how neat it is to be able to see your child in action and watch them learning and having fun... and we also know how nice it can be to run a quick errand while kids are in class.  You are welcome to drop kids off or stay and watch. We have provided toys and activities to keep siblings entertained while brother or sister takes class. We just ask that you keep the noise to a minimum and return everything back to its place after your child is done playing.  This includes turning off the TV and returning DVDs to their cases. Please also wipe down the toys, table and chairs that your child has used with the Clorox wipes provided. We have Windex and paper towels if your child touches the windows. Food is NOT allowed in the lobby.

We know that sometimes you will have questions or things you want to discuss with your child’s teacher.  We love talking with you! But we ask that you be mindful of when and where you bring these up. Our teachers usually have back to back classes so its best to catch us before our first class, after our last, or by email.  Sensitive issues should always be discussed away from other students and parents. Let’s all do our best to keep the feeling in our studio one of light, joy, kindness and respect.


Only water in closed containers is allowed in the dance studio and lobby. Students are not allowed to chew gum during dance class both out of respect and as a safety precaution. We do have a drinking fountain in the lobby for both our dancers and families to use. However, we’d love your help in reminding our little dancers that the drinking fountain is to be used before and after, not during class. Our older classes may be given a short drink break during class but will not necessarily be allowed to leave and get a drink whenever they want.


While parents are always invited to stay and watch, the truth is that parking is limited. We ask you to be mindful of the other businesses that share the parking lot. If your child is old enough, simply doing a drive by to drop them off near the end of our building is extremely helpful. We wish we could do some bulldozing to make parking a happier experience for us all.

T-shirts & Bags

Dance bags with your child’s name and Illume Dance Company t-shirts can be purchased at our Back to Dance Night on August 18th 4:00pm- 7:00pm or in studio through out the season by filling out an order form and purchasing through the Parent Portal in the Online Store. Students are welcome to wear their shirts to class (only the creative/jazz portion of class for Beginning Movers and A and B levels).

Social Media

Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@illumedancecompany) and Facebook for announcements, giveaways and educational information. Our website is also a great resource to find dates, policies, and information.